Flight Title Font

In preparation for our film poster and magazine review we have decided to each look at some fonts (primarily using the site dafont.com), pick our favorites and then as a group finally decide on the font we are going to use for the title of Flight.
This is the first font which really appealed to me. I like the way the font looks shaky and edgy which simply sums up our production. The shaky look of the font also represents the surreal element to our film and hints at the underlying narcotic theme present in our film.

I also liked this font and the typography effect used on it. I think this font looks edgy and different. The font also looks broken and cracked which hints at our film narrative, Sophie cracking under the pressure of her ballet practice. One thing about this font which I found to be a negative however is that that font is quite hard to read at a glance due to the broken look of the writing.
I really like the way this font looks handwritten. There is a sense of elegance to this font which represents the first dance sequence part of our film. I think this graceful font could be very effective against the hard-hitting photograph of Sophie we plan on putting on the front of our poster. 

Other 'Flight' logo experiment
Final Font Choice
We as a group have decided on this font choice which I found. We feel that out of our choices this one was the most appropriate to use, this is due to the reasons I listed above. We feel that this font would be the most effective against the image of Sophie we plan on putting on the front. I like the elegance of this font and I think that the contrast between the font and image will be interesting for audiences and make them think about the narrative and underlying themes of our production.