Creation of Review Page

Once I received the synopsis and review (written by Leanne and Jack) I began to put our review page together. I used the program Microsoft Publisher.

I firstly made my document a suitable size (297 x 210 mm) and imported our chosen flight image. The image we have chosen is similar to the one we used for our poster, the reason we chose a similar photograph is so that both our ancillary texts interlink and can be recognized as a pair. After importing my image I wrote a short caption for the photograph. The caption tells the audience about the photograph and who the character and actress playing her is. 
Once I had sorted out my image I created sections ready to import the synopsis, review and credits. I used different tools on Microsoft Publisher to create different coloured lines which I have used to section my review page. I firstly imported the synopsis, I had to ensure that the text fitted inside the right section so I repositioned the text accordingly. The synopsis is at the top of the page, before the main review, to ensure that audiences notice it first. The synopsis lets the audiences know the 'facts' of the text, if audiences don't want to read the entire review they can just quickly read the short synopsis and still find out basic information about the film. Next I imported the main review which Jack and Leanne had written and also repositioned that suitably. 

Once the bulk of the review had been imported I then went about adding little touches such as a page heading, quotation and credits and footer which are typical conventions of Sight & Sound magazine. I also changed the colour of some key words to purple (like Sight & Sound have done but with the colour red), this will draw the audiences eye into key words and phrases in the review and will also help to break up the large bulk of text.
As you can see from above I have made sure that our review page stuck to as many conventions of the Sight & Sound review as possible.