Stop Motion

We liked the idea of having key parts of our film in stop motion so throughout our production (particularly in the second two scenes) we have decided to take photos instead of video to give us the effect of distortion. We wanted to do this to represent Sophie's venerability and surreal state of mind throughout the second part of our film.

Some examples of stop motion which I enjoyed are below.

The stop motion draws the audience in, it makes them feel like they are actually drifting through London. Instead of just using camera film the stop motion animation adds an interesting twist and captures audiences attention.

The use of stop-motion here makes the audience focus more on parts of the film, for example, the animation stops briefly when showing the two characters faces, this makes the audience think about their emotions towards each other. We will be using stop-motion in key parts of our film as we want the audience to focus on our character Sophie's emotions and actions and we also want the detachment of our character in her unfamiliar settings to be intensified.